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Notes from an Insane Mother
Monday, 3 March 2008
Cleaning House
Mood:  caffeinated

My philosophy on cleaning house is this....I keep my house looking like this so my friends will feel better about the way their house looks. You can really make lots of friends if you do everything just a little worse than those around you. You always make them look good. So - don't judge me for having a messy home, just relish the fact that yours looks better.

Posted by mismith1381 at 10:44 AM CST
Saturday, 1 March 2008
The Cat is Insane

Does anyone actually have their cat on bi-polar medicines? If so, where can I get them? Will my veterinarian write a prescription for them?  The reason I ask is that I have a totally insane cat. To protect his privacy, I won't name names, though. He would be really embarrassed to know that I was writing this about him.

I often compare him to Jack Nicholson's character in "As Good As it Gets." He has to make this huge circle around the family room before he will go out the door. As he is going out the door, his feet can touch no metal.  He goes through periods of time where he just walks around the house staring at me, but will not let anyone touch him. At other times he won't leave me alone and claws me in the back until I DO touch him.

I guess it is a blessing that he cannot talk.


Posted by mismith1381 at 7:22 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 1 March 2008 9:31 AM CST
Friday, 29 February 2008
New Blog Site for other Insane Mothers
This is the first entry on my blog. Hopefully, someone out there will actually read it. As I posted on my website, I live in a house that is overrun by the male gender. Even my cats are boys. In other words, NO ONE LISTENS. You ladies out there with husbands that don't listen to you - it is not their fault. They are born that way. This blog spot is a place for me to perform self-therapy by unloading all of those things in my life that I try to unload at home. Sweet as they are, men should be born with hearing aids (to hear what we are saying) and glasses (to help them find what they are looking for without asking ME to find it for them). Please leave your comments - and if you are a friend, I'd really love to hear from you!

Posted by mismith1381 at 8:38 PM CST

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